The winners of Division C1 Contest on the 25th of April in Berlin are:

English Speech Contest:
1. Violetta Pleshakova, Mercury Toastmasters Berlin
2. Dirk Brückner, Leipzig Toastmasters Club
3. Friederike Galland, Mercury Toastmasters Berlin
English Evaluation Contest:
1. Dirk Brückner, Leipzig Toastmasters Club
2. Friederike Galland, Mercury Toastmasters Berlin
3. Julian Pottier, Leipzig Toastmasters Club
Congratulations to all the participants! Thank you Violetta and Friederike for representing Mercury!
Violetta Pleshakova and Dirk Brückner will represent our Division at the District 95 Contest in Boras, Sweden, in May (You can still register here). This will be the 7th District Final Competitions where Mercury speakers are competing! More about it here.
The winner of the District Speech Contest has the opportunity to participate in the World Championship of Public Speaking this August in Las Vegas, United States.
Hearty thank yous to our wonderful moderators Renko Pauwels and Johanna Maehlmann and to all of you who came and supported Mercury!!