Author Archives: MercuryAdmin

Newly Elected Board 2020-2021

A new board for the office term 2020-2021 was elected by the Mercury members: President – Lars Siegert VP Education – Katerina Apostolova VP Membership – Krisztina Linka VP PR – Chandrasen Rajashekar Treasurer – James Rea Secretary – Stephanie Haight-Kuntze Sergeant at Arms – Viktor Dychko Immediate … Continue reading

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Newly Elected Board 2019-2020

A new board for the office term 2019-2020 was elected by the Mercury members: President– Therese Pitt VP Education– Viktor Dychko VP Membership – Nadezhda Gogova VP PR – Pooja Ghosh Treasurer – Svetlana Kokalarova Sergeant at Arms– Katerina Apostolova Secretary – … Continue reading

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Newly Elected Board 2018-2019

At the last meeting on May 30th, a new board for the office term 2018-2019 was elected by the Mercury members: President– Lucio Buffalmano VP Education– Lars Siegert VP Membership – Dora Ivanova VP PR – Gustaf Winberg Treasurer – … Continue reading

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Save the Dates

Get your tickets for the 2016 Fall District 95 Conference in Warsaw, November 25-26 Mercurians will compete and need your support! Motto Night “Thanksgiving” – 23.11.16 Evaluation Workshop – 30.11.16 Christmas Party – 14.12.16 Motto Night “The Year of the … Continue reading

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Upcoming events

31/10 DIVISION CONTEST: Support Matt, Friederike and Renko during the contest and see Prateek as Contest Chair. Where: 10u Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 10, 10787 Berlin im Hause des CVJM (near Nollendorfplatz) When: 10:00 Agenda 07/11: SPOOK-A-THON: Mercury goes Halloween! Spooky Story telling … Continue reading

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And the winners are …

We had a wonderful Fall Contest with the marvellous audience, Lukacs – the humorous speech contest master, Sunder – the table topic contest master and Wendy – the head judge. And the winners are … for the Humorous speech contest: 1. … Continue reading

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Letter from the President 2014-2015

Dear Mercury Members, Our club is like a drug. It’s so good, it’s addictive. The atmosphere at our meetings is uplifting and the number of members and guests that continue to come to us shows this. But THIS wouldn’t be … Continue reading

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The District Experience

Have you ever gotten yourself into something exciting, but risky? Now let’s try a slightly different question: Have you ever gotten yourself into something exciting, and later on realized that – oops, it is actually risky? That was me taking … Continue reading

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O Yeah! Stellar Meeting!

This Wednesday, our well-prepared Toastmaster of the Evening Marina introduced the theme of the evening “O Yeah!”. Afterwards, she wonderfully set the scene for every speaker. Petronela delivered CC manual Project #3 entitled “Sharing is Caring”. In her speech, she … Continue reading

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Newly Elected Board 2015-2016

At the last meeting, a new board was elected: President– Renko Pauwels VP Education– Sunder Annamraju VP Membership – Prateek Bhurkay VP Finance – Lukacs Dorfner VP PR – Magdalena Rother Sergeant at Arms– Friederike Galland Secretary – Eva Goellner … Continue reading

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