Tag Archives: Magazine

Brent’s Article in Toastmaster Magazine

I am proud and happy to announce that Brent’s article on How to Become a Speechwriter was published in Toastmasters Magazine March 2015 edition (see page 28-29). Check it out!

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Khushi’s Article in Toastmaster Magazine

The voice of Mercury is again in the Toastmasters magazine edition for October 2014. Khushi wrote an article about the 90th Anniversary Organization (see page 8). Not only that, but her article “Drum Roll, Please!” from June 2014 was praised … Continue reading

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Brent’s Article on Speech Structure in Toastmaster Magazine

Guess what? Brent Kerrigan, owner of Global Speechwriter and a long-time Mercury member, scored an article in this month’s Toastmaster magazine. Check it out!

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Khushi Taps Potential in Toastmaster Magazine

If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a heads-up: The June edition of Toastmaster magazine features an article by Mercury’s very own club secretary. In Drum Roll, Please!, Khushi Pasquale reveals how she was motivated to tap her inner potential … Continue reading

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