Scintillating Evening!

Last meeting we had a scintillating meeting with the theme of the evening being “Fire Up!”. Three speakers entertained us with three scintillating speeches :).

Florian delivered Project 7 from the CC manual entitled “Wouldn’t life be boring?”. He told us that Germans tend to always complain. They find a reason to complain even on a sunny wonderful day. Florian mentioned that this may have a connection with the history of the country. Germans learned to subordinate themselves, thus blaming others if something went wrong. Florian ended his speech by asking us if it wouldn’t be too boring if everything ended up as we desire?.

Jeremy delivered Project 8 from the CC manual entitled “A Mariner’s Tale”. He told us the story of his great-great-grandfather, Samuel G., who was a sea captain. Samuel received his Master Mariner Certificate in his late 20s and circumnavigated the globe several times. Jeremy mentioned three things about himself that he may have got from his great-great-grandfather. In his speech, Jeremy tackled the idea of nature vs. nurture, mentioning that sometimes we bend the facts as they suit us. For instance, sometimes we  just blame the DNA if something went wrong.

Matthias B delivered Project #4 Speaking Under Fire from the advance manual Public Relations entitled “You Better Start Smoking!”. He persuaded us to start smoking. In the Q&A session, the audience was, as required, hostile, but Matthias wonderfully mediated the discussion.

Lesson learned: Do not start smoking 😉

Word of the day: scintillating


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