About Us

Toastmasters International values:
Integrity / Respect / Service / Excellence


The fear of public speaking is one of the world’s most common phobias, ranking higher than heights, spiders and even death! But there is a way to conquer your fears, advance and become a consummate speaker.

Toastmasters International (TMI) was founded in 1924 as a non-profit organization with the mission to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Through some 15,900 clubs in 142 countries, TMI helps its 358,000 members learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking – vital skills that promote personal growth, enhance leadership potential, and foster human understanding.

Mercury Toastmasters Berlin teaches you how to improve your communication and leadership skills in a warm, friendly and supportive environment. Founded in 1998, our English-speaking club has around 60 members from more than a dozen countries representing a wide range of ages, interests and professions.

At Mercury, you set your pace and your goals. Our experienced members support you in many ways. Friendly personal feedback and video clips will enable you to develop and identify which steps you need to take to move forward. We provide the training platform for the communication and leadership skills you seek to develop.

Our ranks include new members preparing their first speeches, as well as experienced speakers whose achievements reach well beyond Berlin. Held twice a year, Toastmasters’ regional public speaking contests involve over 270 clubs in Continental Europe. Our members have delivered award-winning speeches at competitions in Antwerp, Basel, Berlin, Bonn, Budapest, and Poznan. Christine Roos and Manjana Saleh brought home second-place awards from the Belgian and Swiss competitions. Mercury members have made it into three of the past four Continental European Finals. That’s quite a feat!

But it’s not all about winning. Mercury is about having fun while developing ourselves into masterful communicators and leaders.


You can check our online calendar or meetup page for meeting dates and contact us here.
